List Price : $99.99 Price :

Get all the benefits of a solid state drive at a fraction of the cost. SanDisk ReadyCache SSD teams up with your existing hard drive to provide a convenient way to get up to 4 times faster boot and up to 12 times faster application load and overall response times. The ExpressCache software by Condusiv Technologies uses advanced caching algorithms that allow your computer to learn user storage behavior and automatically manage your data to increase overall performance. A simple add-on solution and easy to install, SanDisk ReadyCache SSD gives your desktop computer a performance boost from boot up to shut down. As compared to 7200 RPM SATA 2.5-Inch hard drive. Based on published specifications and internal benchmarking tests. Windows 7 OS and software download required. Terms and Conditions apply.
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful This review is from: SanDisk ReadyCache 32 GB SATA 3 Solid State Drive SDSSDRC-032G-G26 (Personal Computers) Received the ReadyCache SSD today in the regular UPS Mail. It was in a plain paper package but inside there's professional packaging with a Sandisk box. Inside the box you get the SSD itself, a bracket, a set of screws, a sata data cable and the instructions with the activation key for the software. Installation wasn't the easiest thing in the world but that is primarily due to owning a Dell XPS 8100 desktop. They make it so hard to add things to these boxes that it took me about 45 minutes to finally get it right and even then it is sort of rigged. I ended up not using the bracket and just mounting it above the existing hard drive because neither of the available power cables were long enough. I suppose I could have purchased an extension but then I would have had to wait to try it out.After installation I booted up and Windows 7 immediately recognized the drive. Was surprised it didn't show up as a drive letter so it must be formatted differently than normal... Read more 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?) This review is from: SanDisk ReadyCache 32 GB SATA 3 Solid State Drive SDSSDRC-032G-G26 (Personal Computers) I also did not like the activation code, but it wasn't a big deal. The software you install monitors your most used programs and then caches them onto the SSD. This caching process is a lot like Intel's Smart Response Technology, which comes with the ZX8 motherboards (possibly others, I'm not familiar with them). I have a ZX8 motherboard, but went with this product anyway. So far, it's working fantastically.Installation is a cinch. Just mount the SSD onto the bracket, then put the bracket in an existing slot in your tower. Easy. On the first go around, I forgot to attach the power cable. Braindead moment for me, I guess. So, don't forget that. The package it arrived in was totally weird, though, never seen one like it. It was a strong, brown paper package that the post office (I'm assuming, to save space) folded in half and put a rubber band around it. Nothing to prevent one from buying the product, though. It is well worth the $50 I threw down for... Read more 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful By Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?) This review is from: SanDisk ReadyCache 32 GB SATA 3 Solid State Drive SDSSDRC-032G-G26 (Personal Computers) This thing is fantastic. It acts like a cache for your most commonly used files/programs and gives you the benefit of the read speed of an SSD. From cold boot (including bios bootup time), I went from 42 seconds to 32 seconds. Internet Explorer opens almost instanteously, and Outlook 2010 comes in at around 1 second - even on first open after restart. It even affects games I play. Loading into the Skyrim world map takes around 3 seconds as opposed to 10 seconds.The only thing I would dock a star from is why does the Sandisk program need a serial key? It's not like someone could pirate the hardware and share it through bittorrent... System Specs: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 16GB 1600mhz DD3 RAM 640GB WD Black HDD 32GB Sandisk ReadyCahe GeForce 480GTX |